HR Zone

Conflict management: what we can learn from Samurai culture

When looking to develop your mediation skills in the workplace, we could all learn something from the Japanese way of communication, which embraces ambiguity and complexity.  To me, a British mediator, it is obvious that the best way to handle a dispute is to talk about it. Well, it was obvious until I moved to […]

Category: HR Zone | Monday 9 March 2020 | Author: Tania Coke
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National Stress Awareness Day: five steps to improve employee wellbeing

National Stress Awareness Day on 6 November is a timely reminder of the need to manage workplace stress proactively and effectively. There’s a lot of concern about mental health and stress at work, especially with the fast pace of most people’s working lives. As an HR professional, do you know how to spot someone in […]

Category: HR Zone | Wednesday 6 November 2019 | Author: Anna Shields
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Why it’s time to humanise the workplace

How often do you have meaningful conversations with colleagues at work? If the answer is ‘rarely’, then find out why it’s time to make a positive, conscious change in the way you approach workplace relationships. Mental health seems to be top of the HR agenda at the moment. This is thanks in part to the efforts of Prince William and others […]

Category: HR Zone | Friday 30 November 2018 | Author: Tania Coke
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How to avoid another year of Trexit

2016 was a year of divisive politics. In the UK, factions formed around the ‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’ camps. In the US, the battle lines were drawn between supporters of Trump and those of Clinton. In both cases, the rhetoric was vicious and saw a rise in hate-related incidents. It was easy to point fingers and […]

Category: HR Zone | Monday 23 January 2017 | Author: Tania Coke
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Workplace conflict: Is the workplace itself part of the problem? – HR Zone

We all know that workplace stress can have long-lasting negative consequences on employees. Long hours, unrealistic demands, and looming layoffs can lead to an increase in workplace conflict and health problems. But these issues are compounded when the workplace itself is a part of the problem. Academic research highlights the importance of the workplace environment on employees’ […]

Category: HR Zone | Wednesday 27 April 2016 | Author: Macarena Mata
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