Consensio’s facilitative in-person and online mediation model is effective, dynamic and flexible, delivered by some of the UK’s most experienced workplace mediators.
1.) Mediation referral process
Consensio will speak with the client to assess the suitability of a case and to discuss expectations. The client will complete a referral form and we will organise a suitable mediation date.
2.) Pre-mediation preparation
A Consensio mediator will have confidential telephone or video conversations with the parties to introduce themselves and address questions or concerns. The parties will be sent a number of documents to prepare for mediation.
3.) Mediation day
The in-person mediation process is usually facilitated over one full day. The online mediation process is facilitated in smaller sessions over a number of days. Team mediation cases will take longer as there are more parties involved.
Individual meetings: The mediator will meet each party individually for approximately one hour before the joint mediation session. This will enable each party to explore what has brought them to mediation, the underlying conflict issues, and their goals for mediation.
Joint meeting: The mediator will support parties to communicate with each other openly, honestly and constructively. The mediator will not make suggestions or recommendations to the parties. Most mediations result in an agreement or action plan which the parties can employ in the workplace. The goal of mediation is to allow parties to resolve their conflicts in a safe and structured environment.
4.) Follow-up support with parties post-mediation
The mediator will discuss follow-up arrangements with the parties and share pre-agreed feedback with the client. A follow-up meeting can be organised as required.
More information
For more information, please visit our Mediation FAQ.
To book a mediation or to speak to a Consensio mediator:
Call the Consensio office on 020 7831 0254.
Email us at
Contact us through our website to refer a case for mediation.