HR Magazine

Dispute resolution reaches record demand in 2023

Acas saw a record increase in demand for dispute resolution services between 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. The public body handled over 600 collective conciliations in 2022-23, compared to 500 the year before. There were 649,000 calls to the helpline and 105,000 early conciliation notifications, in which Acas speaks to the employer and […]

Category: HR Magazine | Wednesday 19 July 2023 | Author: Anna Shields
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How to have positive conflict at work

Workplace conflict happens in all organisations. Contrary to what many of us believe and often experience, conflict is normal, inevitable and not inherently negative. Under the right conditions, conflict can be positive because it can offer us the opportunity to have more honest conversations that will strengthen our relationships and lead to more innovative ways […]

Category: HR Magazine | Thursday 15 June 2023 | Author: Alex Efthymiades
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Why the increased demand for conflict resolution services?

Numerous factors are contributing to significant increases in demand by organisations for conflict resolution services, particularly mediation. Worryingly, organisations are also experiencing an escalation of formal employee grievances. Some of the reasons for this relate to the disruption to our lives caused by the pandemic, which has put extensive pressure on HR professionals and managers. This has […]

Category: HR Magazine | Wednesday 10 August 2022 | Author: Alex Efthymiades
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What’s hiding behind the mask?

As we start another year in a pandemic, workplace relationships are under strain and HR teams are dealing with the inevitable conflict issues that arise. For many of those still working physically together, colleagues are now partially hidden behind a physical mask.  As we deal with the different challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, what’s going […]

Category: HR Magazine | Monday 8 February 2021 | Author: Anna Shields
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How to break the cycle of stress and conflict in times of crisis

With exquisite timing, April is stress awareness month and the current COVID-19 global pandemic is potentially one of the most stressful situations many of us will ever face.  Stress can have a significant impact on us, both physically and mentally. It can also affect our thinking and behaviour, which makes us more likely to get […]

Category: HR Magazine | Thursday 23 April 2020 | Author: Anna Shields
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