Using Mediation to Retain Talent – Executive Grapevine

People don’t like conflict in the workplace. People want to work where, should they have a problem, there’s a process in place to reach a speedy resolution. They want to work in an organisation which supports them should difficulties occur. So, when you’re looking at how best to retain your talent – and not just your top talent – look to embed a system to deal with conflict effectively as and when it arises.

As one of the UK’s leading providers of conflict resolution and mediation services, Consensio has seen a marked increase in the demand for mediation services – whether facilitated in-house or by external independent mediators.

Alex Efthymiades, Director of Consensio, comments: “Mediation and conflict resolution processes are becoming an essential part of an organisation’s people infrastructure. Whilst the initial driving force for our clients may be to empower employees to resolve issues themselves rather than through formal processes, the cost savings and the positive impact mediation has on making the workplace more attractive, becomes clear.”

NHS East Lancashire is one such organisation. Its mediation scheme not only demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to its staff, but, since the creation of the mediation scheme, there has been a 60% reduction in formal process and staggering cost savings of over £200k to the organisation. Importantly, the mediation scheme has resulted in a culture shift within the organisation.

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