
Is Workplace Conflict a Hidden Reason Employees Leave?

We recently ordered a book titled The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave, by Leigh Branham. Because of our work as workplace mediators, this is an important topic that we deal with on a daily basis. The book is based on in-depth analysis by the Saratoga Institute of data gathered from exit interviews. The data suggests […]

Category: Blog | Wednesday 12 October 2016 | Author: Alex Efthymiades
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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Maslow’s hammer, and workplace mediation!

On every accredited workplace mediation training course we deliver, we talk about human needs, and Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is often a useful starting point for new mediators to understand the needs that parties in conflict might bring to a workplace mediation. Whether it’s about mutual respect, being valued as a member of a […]

Category: Blog | Thursday 15 September 2016 | Author: Anna Shields
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The Role for Self-Empathy in Mediation

As all workplace mediators know, empathy is hugely important in mediation. When we are in conflict, our tendency is to dehumanize each other and this makes it very hard, if not impossible, to have empathy for what the other person may be going through. As a workplace mediator, I am always struck by how inward-looking […]

Category: Blog | Wednesday 31 August 2016 | Author: Alex Efthymiades
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The Workplace Mediator’s “not to do” list

I recently attended Consensio’s Accredited Workplace Mediation Certificate course, accredited by the Open College Network (OCN). As I will soon be working in the field of Psychology, I noticed the many similarities between what I learned on the mediation course and what I am studying at University. Empathy is something that has been extensively studied […]

Category: Blog | Thursday 21 July 2016 | Author: Kelly Rodriguez
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Do Women and Men Really Communicate Differently?

In a very interesting talk I attended this week titled “She Says / He Says”, Deborah Tannen, Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University in the US, spoke about her research into the different ways in which women and men communicate. She has researched this subject for decades and has published numerous books and articles. As […]

Category: Blog | Thursday 30 June 2016 | Author: Alex Efthymiades
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