
How courageous conversations can resolve workplace conflicts

Why do so many managers shy away from having tough conversations with employees? Knowing what to say at the right time can help nip conflicts and other issues in the bud, explains Tania Coke from workplace mediation specialists Consensio. When I have a problem with a colleague, I know that the sensible thing to do […]

Category: Personnel Today | Monday 25 June 2018 | Author: Tania Coke
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Diverse workforces

The changing world of work is upon us, and with it comes challenges. For instance, I do not envy the human moderators working for Facebook. On the one hand, they have to uphold Facebook’s mission of embracing diverse views. On the other, their job is to censor views which are harmful to society and they […]

Category: HRD Connect | Wednesday 6 June 2018 | Author: Tania Coke
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Finding peace among employees is paramount to run a successful franchise

In the latest issue of Elite Franchise, Alex Efthymiades speaks about the impact of conflict on staff turnover and taking action when conflict occurs … ‘Having a workplace rife with conflicts can have horrendous outcomes for your staff turnover. “It has a big impact on retention rates,” says Alex Efthymiades, director and co-founder of Consensio, the […]

Category: Elite Franchise | Thursday 19 April 2018 | Author: Hannah King
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How to disagree positively and productively

Conflict is something most of us shy away from, whether in the workplace or elsewhere. But if approached with care and thought, disagreements can lead to productive outcomes that hopefully lead to a consensus being reached. Psychotherapist Diana Parkinson explains that we often feel threatened and frightened when someone disagrees with us. “We become defensive, […]

Category: Every Woman | Thursday 22 March 2018 | Author: Hannah King
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We know about IQ and EQ, but what about PQ?

A species evolves by developing new ways of understanding and responding to its environment. Over the last 20 years or so, the office-dwelling species has taken an evolutionary leap by recognising EQ alongside IQ.  Prior to this, corporate employees were largely recruited, assessed and valued on the basis of their intellect… Then Daniel Goleman offered […]

Category: Training Zone | Wednesday 14 March 2018 | Author: Tania Coke
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