
Promoting a Principled Approach to Mediation in the Public Sector – Opportunities

The Government recently published its response to the consultation on Resolving Workplace Disputes, placing mediation centre-stage in its strategy of reducing the cost of workplace conflict and improving the culture of employment relations in both the private and public sectors. It outlined plans for a long-term programme to make mediation a more accepted and trusted […]

Category: Opportunities | Thursday 1 March 2012 | Author: Tania Coke
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Mediation Skills Can Decrease the Harmful Effects of Redundancy in the Public Sector – Opportunities

With the prediction that anything up to half a million public sector jobs will be lost as a result of the Government’s spending cuts, a large part of the UK public sector workforce is faced with an uncertain future. Redundancy raises a number of challenging issues to employers and employees alike and quite often leads […]

Category: Opportunities | Tuesday 2 November 2010 | Author: Anna Shields & Alex Efthymiades
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